Saturday, March 14, 2009

Knit Update

I'm almost done with the simple knitted bodice. (Only been at it for about a!). I have two more rows on one sleeve, and the the second sleeve, then the neckline. I hope to finish the sleeves today. Is that too ambitious? Maybe, but I have a whole season of Dexter to watch, and I am hopeful. Nevermind the fact that I also have to finish an entire website for a final project, and adjust some photos for a friend. When the end is in sight, it makes me want to crank it out.

Other news, I broke down and actually bought the Apartment Therapy book. I'd checked it out from the library before, but I think its a book you should own.

I went to Target yesterday and spent a gift card on kitty litter, aluminum foil, and some cute ballet flats that are 1/2 size too big. My friend just gave me some amazing green Doc Martins that are 1/2 size too small. Can these two shoes get together and exchange their half size wrong-ness...please? I'm going to check out a cobbler next week I think to get some boots re-soled and see if they can stretch the Docs.

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