Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Holiday Plans...a taste of what's to come

This weekend, I am going to a potluck for Thanksgiving. I am going to make my Italian Bean soup, recipe to follow. It's cheap, easy, makes a lot, and most importantly tastes great. It's the perfect winter soup, hearty and soulful!
Other than eating, drinking, and being ridiculous, I am planning on doing some major cleaning and organizing in my little MouseHouse. One of the things on my list includes going paperless. I have a scanner that I have yet to use and a stack of magazines, random inspirations, old stories I've written..etc. That I would love to digitally archive and get rid of the clutter of the original.

Here's a mini to-do list:
  • Scan pictures
  • Organize bookmarks on computer
  • Organize craft closet
  • Put pictures up/decorate the walls, possibly using the flag design.
  • Knitting: Work on SKB, & cast on hooded scarf

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